An Abrahamic Family Reunion: Jerusalem

4:30 – 6 p.m., Nov. 7, 2016

Family reunions can be opportunities for siblings born of the same parent to join together to share experiences and reflect upon what they continue to hold in common and where, over the years, their different paths have led them. Jews, Christians and Muslims are members of the Abrahamic family of faith since Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all claim descent from the family of Abraham. Yet despite their common origins, they have followed their separate paths, not always in ways that are respectful of one another. The UA Institute for the Study of Religion and Culture and its co-sponsors invite you to participate in this fourth session of “The Abrahamic Family Reunion.” Jerusalem as sacred space resonates in the poetry, music, legends, history and theology of the three Abrahamic faiths. How and why this is so, will be the theme of the conversation.

The discussion will be moderated by Alison Jameson, director of the Institute for the Study of Religion and Culture. The panel features Sanford Seltzer Rabbi, D.D.Institute For Judaic Services and Studies, Saddlebrook; Courtney Friesen Assistant Professor, Department of Religious Studies and Classics; and Scott Lucas, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Islamic Studies School of Middle Eastern and North African Studies. 

This event is co-sponsored by the UA College of Humanities, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, and the Institute for the Study of Religion and Culture. Refreshments will be served following the talk. Parking is available at the Highland Garage located across from the Poetry Center.

Questions? Contact Samantha Taibi at or (520) 621-0210.