Professor: Patrick Baliani, Honors College
WEDNESDAYS 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
The tragicomedy genre, so prevalent in our day, has actually been evolving for many centuries. While one can take a primarily aesthetic approach to any genre--what makes comedy comedy?--here we will include a fuller consideration of history, stressing the social, political, and philosophical contexts of the particular plays.
How does a certain “age” or “culture” perceive tragicomedy? What are the roots of this standpoint, and how does it evolve across cultural and temporal barriers? How do interpretation and performance affect our understanding of the works today? How is it plays, on the page as well as performed, provide so many opportunities for critical thinking? Supplemental readings and viewings will complement the play reading list. Professional actors will present key scenes during many of the lectures.
NOTE: This is the first meeting of a 10-week course.
More information including course fees and how to register can be found online at