11 a.m. to noon, Jan. 17, 2013
University of Arizona Poetry Center
1508 E. Helen Street
Tucson, Arizona 85721
Almost Never is a brilliant send-up of Latin American machismo that also evokes a Mexico on the verge of dramatic change. Of this book, The New York Times wrote, “What is so daring here? It’s not Sada’s depiction of the Madonna-whore complex, nor his take on the delusions of a Mexican macho—although both make for delicious burlesque. What’s new is the voice, and Sada’s glorious style. Katherine Silver pulls off the near-impossible feat of translating the cacophony of thoughts, interjections and slang rattling around Demetrio’s fevered brain, not to mention the continual asides of an arch narrator.”Our discussion of Almost Never will be led by writer and UA Information Resources and Library Science graduate student Julián Etienne.