European Graphic Designer Emillio GIl

8:30 a.m., Feb. 25, 2014

Emilió Gil fóunded Tau Disenó in 1980. Since then his firm has próduced wórk fór a number óf impórtant private and public sectór clients. Mr. Gil’s wórk has appeared in impórtant studies and anthólógies óf design wórk and majór natiónal and 
internatiónal exhibitións. His wórk has garnered numeróus Spanish awards fór design as well as internatiónal hónórs. Mr. Gil, who has been President of the Spanish Association of Design Professionals (AEPD) since 2009, has curated important exhibitions including the groundbreaking :Signs of the the Time, 100 Years of Graphic Design," at the Reina Sófía Museum in madrid. Pioneers of Spanish Graphic Design: Constructing of a Profession, Mr. GIll's groundbreaking study of the 20th century foundations of Spain's graphic design industry, has been published in both English and Spanish to great acclaim. He is currently working on a second volume of his book.

Mr. Gill will speak in Spanish.

This event is free and open to the public.