Six Saturdays, February 1 through March 15 ( no class on March 1), 12:00 noon to 2:00 p.m.
The Autobiographical Eye is an essay-writing course for beginning through advanced writers. All prose creates an alternative reality for the reader to enter. This is as true of memoir and the personal essay as it is of fiction. We will read and imitate the work of several contemporary literary nonfiction writers, studying the ways they use setting, characterization, voice, research, and reflection, as well as various forms, including narrative, meditative, segmented, braided, hybrid . . . what else? We'll see. Students will write generative exercises and work toward crafting their own essays.
Tuition: $175.00 + $10.00 course fee = $185.00 total
The registration period for this course opens on January 1, 2014. Please check back then for a link to the online registration form.
Beth Alvarado
Beth Alvarado is the author of two books, Anthropologies: A Family Memoir (University of Iowa Press, 2011) and Not a Matter of Love (Many Voices Prize, New Rivers Press, 2006). Recent essays have been published inThird Coast, North American Review, Nimrod, and Sonora Review; recent stories have appeared in or are forthcoming fromWestern Humanities Review, The Collagist, The Southern Review, and Drunken Boat, the Librotraficante Issue. Beth is the fiction editor of Cutthroat: A Journal of the Arts andhas been a Lecturer at the University of Arizona since 1990.