First Meeting of "Line by Line: A Close Reading Workshop" with Sarah Kortemeier

5 to 6 a.m., Jan. 27, 2014

Seven Mondays, January 27 through March 10, 12:00 noon­ to 1:00 p.m.

This seven-week poetry workshop is inspired by the methods of poet and beloved UA professor Steve Orlen, who was known for his careful, rigorous readings of student work. In the spirit of Steve’s classes, we’ll undertake close readings of both published poems and our own poems. We’ll consider poems “line by line,” examining each for the particularity, vigor, and musicality of its language. Participants will have the opportunity to bring at least one of their poems to workshop for close reading. We will not generate new work in this course; instead, we will work together to give each other detailed help with an existing poem. Participants can expect to develop greater fluency and confidence as readers and writers of poetry through the practice of close reading.

Tuition: $125.00

The registration period for this course opens on January 1, 2014. Please check back then for a link to the online registration form.

Sarah Kortemeier

Sarah Kortemeier holds an MFA in Poetry from the University of Arizona and has taught creative writing for elementary, high school, university, and community audiences. Her poetry appears or is forthcoming in Fairy Tale Review, Ploughshares, Alaska Quarterly Review, Sentence, Folio, Journal of the Center for Mennonite Writing, Sliver of Stone, and Spiral Orb. She serves as a Library Specialist at the University of Arizona Poetry Center.
