Lit Press Fest for Teens

10 a.m. – 3 p.m., April 30, 2016

Lit Press Fest for Teens is a mini-conference for area teens and teachers/parents who are interested in or already editing a literary magazine. If you are a teen, or you work with or are a parent to teens, you're invited to attend this event and learn more about making zines and chapbooks, and the logistics of editing and supporting a school literary magazine.

Festival events include:

  • Bookmaking workshops!
  • Creative writing workshops led by UA students.
  • Poetry Center rare book room tours featuring handmade zines, journals, pamphlets, broadsides, and book objects.
  • Gallery of resources which include high-school and middle-school literary journals, zines, and other publications.
  • Meet other editors, writers, and book artists!
  • How-to panels on editing, curating, publicizing, and distributing the creative work of your organization.
  • Free food!

To participate in the 2016 Lit Press Fest for Teens, email your RSVP to Please include the following:

Subject line: RSVP for Lit Press
Body of email: # of attendees and their ages/grades, and school or institution name if relevant.