Spectacular Poetics: Khadijah Queen

7 – 8 p.m., Feb. 18, 2016

This series is presented with support from the UA Confluencenter for Creative Inquiry and the Africana Studies Department.

This spring, the UA Poetry Center features Terrance Hayes, Kimiko Hahn, Khadijah Queen, and Adrian Matejka in a series called “Spectacular Poetics, or the Poetry of Spectacle.” Each of these four world-class poets will address overlaps, contradictions, and confluences between poetry & spectacle. These presentations, part reading and part craft talk, will take place at the Poetry Center on four Thursdays in February.

Khadijah Queen is the author of Conduit (Akashic 2008), Black Peculiar (Noemi Press 2011), and Fearful Beloved (Argos 2015). In 2014, she won the Leslie Scalapino Award for Innovative Women Performance Writers for her verse play Non-Sequitur, staged in NYC in December 2015 and published by Litmus Press. Individual poems appear in Fence, Tin House, jubilat, Best American Nonrequired Reading and widely elsewhere. Prose appears in Rattle, Memoir and The Force of What's Possible. She is core faculty for the new low-residency Mile-High MFA program at Regis University in Denver.