Hooding Ceremony for MAs and PhDs
Thursday, May 10th
2:00pm - 4:00pm
Student Union Memorial Center North Ballroom.
RSVP online by Friday, April 27th.
There is no charge for this ceremony and tickets are not required.
The procession will begin at 2:00pm.
Please arrive by 1:30pm at the latest.
Cap, gown, and hood are required.
RSVP for Graduate Pre-Commencement Ceremony
We would recommend that you and your guests arrive at the same time and then proceed to the designated seating in the Ballroom. While there are not assigned seats for graduates, there is specified seating for guests, faculty and students.
Unfortunately the College of Humanities is not able to make parking arrangements for this event due to the large number of campus activities taking place this day. We therefore ask that you please keep in mind that parking spaces fill up quickly and it will be important to acquaint yourself with the University’s many parking facilities. For more information, please visit Parking and Transportation at www.parking.arizona.edu.
The College of Humanities Pre-Commencement ceremonies do not replace the University-wide ceremony. Information about the UA Commencement Ceremonies can be found here: http://commencement.arizona.edu/ceremonies
Student Union Memorial Center Map (3rd level, Grand Ballroom):
UA Bookstore:
If you have further questions, please contact TJ Hill at 520-621-3139 or at TJHill@email.arizona.edu
We look forward to celebrating with you at our College of Humanities Pre-Commencement Ceremonies!