UA Prose Series: Venita Blackburn

7 p.m., Sept. 13, 2018

The UA Prose Series, curated by faculty of the Creative Writing Program at the UA, presents prose writers of distinction.

The UA Poetry Center is proud to present Venita Blackburn.

Works by Venita Blackburn have appeared or are forthcoming in the Los Angeles Review of Books Print Quarterly Journal, American Short Fiction, the Georgia Review, Pleiades, Madison Review, Bat City Review, Nashville Review, Smoke Long Quarterly, Café Irreal, Santa Monica Review, Faultline, Devil’s Lake Review, Nat.Brut., Bellevue Literary Review, audio download through Bound Off, and others. She was awarded a Bread Loaf Fellowship in 2014 and several Pushcart prize nominations. She received the Prairie Schooner book prize for fiction, which resulted in the publication of her collected stories, Black Jesus and Other Superheroes, in 2017. In 2018 she earned a place as a finalist for the PEN/Bingham award for debut fiction and finalist for the NYPL Young Lions award. Current projects include finishing a new novel, a collection of flash fiction and creative non-fiction.  Her home town is Compton, California, and she will join the MFA faculty of California State University, Fresno in the fall of 2018. 
