A Global Pandemic. The numbers are staggering. How do we understand the enormity of it all? How do we heal? How do we connect with one another?
You are invited to a unique theatrical event that combines spoken word, music, movement, and digital dialogue to create an innovative interactive experience, culminating in a poem created with performers and audience that celebrates what we have learned from our loss, what we praise, and what we hope for the future.
In March 2021, the Wick Poetry Center at Kent State University, Kent, Ohio, and the University of Arizona Poetry Center, Tucson, Arizona, launched the interactive website for the Global Vaccine Poem project, inviting anyone to share experiences of the pandemic and vaccination through their own poetic reflection. Thousands of everyday people responded from India to Ireland, from Maine to Hawai’i. In the spring of 2022, an anthology of these poems, Dear Vaccine: Global Voices Speak to the Pandemic, was published by The Kent State University Press. Now the conversation continues through this premiere at the National Academy of Sciences.
This event is organized by Cultural Programs of the National Academy of Sciences in collaboration with Wick Poetry Center at Kent State University and the University of Arizona Poetry Center with support from the Ohio Arts Council.
This event is live in person at the National Academy of Sciences (2101 Constitution Avenue NW Fred Kavli Auditorium Washington, DC 20418), and also live streamed. Sign up here.