Arizona in India
My trip to India opened my eyes to ideologies and a way of life that I had never experienced firsthand, and for that I am changed.
The humanities have never been more important, for the students of today and tomorrow, and for the world at large. We are educating the future leaders of the global economy. Students who choose the Humanities will graduate with a broad and versatile set of skills, ready to change the world. The College of Humanities’ vision is to elevate lives, careers, and communities through innovative and fearless inquiries into the diversity of human belief, language, literature, and culture. Help us make that vision a reality at the University of Arizona.
The College of Humanities and all its departments are committed to expanding the available funding for study abroad scholarships and awards to ensure that every student has access.
Study abroad transforms students and gives them valuable life experiences. This opportunity is not just important to foreign language learners. All students can benefit from a global experience, as it teaches them how to adapt, communicate, consider different perspectives and cultures.
The competencies students gain during their time abroad can be translated into the skills employers seek, like leadership, problem solving, and critical thinking. Financial support makes these opportunities possible, allowing our students to get the most out of their education.
Ways to Give
You can support our efforts through these giving opportunities:
School of International Languages, Literatures, & Cultures
The School of International Languages, Literatures, & Cultures offers the SILLC Global Award to students majoring in any of the SILLC disciplines.
The competitive SILLC Global Award Fund benefits UA undergraduate students in good standing who are declared majors in any of the SILLC disciplines (Africana Studies, Chinese, Classics, East Asian Studies, French, German Studies, Italian, Japanese, Religious Studies, or Russian). It also benefits UA undergraduate students in good standing who pursue a thematic minor in the Critical Languages Program.
Department Funds
If you would like to support a specific department, explore the available funds listed below:
Africana Studies Global Award
The Africana Studies Global Award supports majors and minors who are planning to study abroad in South Africa, Swaziland, Paris, or Berlin. Another Africana Studies Award sends students in the AFAS 499 class, “African Americans in Paris,” on a trip to Paris for Thanksgiving.
East Asian Studies Global Award
The Department of East Asian Studies strongly encourages students to study in a Chinese-speaking country or in Japan. Students can choose to participate in UA-affiliated programs or any other program that fits their budget and academic goals. UA-affiliated programs include EAS Arizona in Shanghai, National Chung Hsing University, National Central University, Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE) programs in China, CEA Global Education programs in China, and EAS Arizona in Kyoto.
French Global Award
The student recipient is chosen according to the following criteria: Need (the importance to travel to France in the student's course of study), Destination (priority given to students interested in attending the Arizona in Paris program), and Merit (the student's proven record of accomplishments and promise of future success).
Launch this fund with your gift! Contact Michele Murphy
Italian Global Award
Established in 2012, this award supports UA students enrolled in Italian courses with the UA study abroad program in Orvieto, Italy. While preference is given to UA Italian majors, all students enrolled in an Italian course are eligible to apply.
Arizona in Paris Study Abroad
Students who receive this Award will attend the UA-led Arizona in Paris study abroad program.
Arizona in Italy Study Abroad
Students who receive this Award will attend the UA-led Arizona in Italy study abroad program.
German Global Award
The German Studies Alumni Scholarship and the Deutscher Studenten Club Scholarship support undergraduate students planning to study or perform research in Germany.
Launch this fund with your gift! Contact Michele Murphy
Interdisciplinary Studies Global Award
Gifts to this fund support Interdisciplinary Studies majors in their endeavors to enhance their academic and professional goals through Study Abroad.
P&A Humanities Global Award
The Department of Public & Applied Humanities works to translate the personal enrichment of humanities study into public enrichment and the direct and tangible improvement of the human condition. Through research-driven, collaborative, and publicly facing projects built to explore and enhance life in the community and beyond, our students and scholars convert understanding into action for the measurable betterment of society. The department is fundamentally experimental, entrepreneurial, and transdisciplinary, and focuses on public and private opportunities that straddle rather than fall between purviews, or are confined by them.
Launch this fund with your gift! Contact Michele Murphy
Arizona in India Study Abroad
As part of this 5-week program, students spend three weeks traveling around the South Indian state of Karnataka and discovering the rich history and tradition of the region's religions. Students study Hinduism, Jainism, Islam, Buddhism, and Christianity through the ages as they experience the traditions firsthand in temples, mosques, and cathedrals, along with a rich survey of region's vast history through site visits of ancient cave temples and imperial ruins.
The Cynthia White Travel and Study in Italy Award
The Cynthia White Travel and Study in Italy Award is given each year to a student pursuing a graduate or undergraduate degree in the Department of Classics at the University of Arizona. Awards shall be made to students participating in academic travel in Italy and/or study abroad programs in Italy.
The Donna Swaim International Award Endowment for Religious Studies
The Donna Swaim International Award for Religious Studies enables academically-prepared Religious Studies majors to study the religions of the world in the context of their cultures, through study abroad opportunities. This fund was established in 2014, to honor Professor Donna Swaim’s 50 years of teaching and service at the University of Arizona.
B.G. Thompson, Jr. Fund
The B.G. Thompson, Jr. Scholarship goes to students in the Department of Russian & Slavic Studies who are hoping to study abroad in Russia or Eastern Europe. The scholarship is named for Mr. B.G. Thompson, a longtime Tucson attorney who hosted Russian students in his home for many years.
The Malcolm Alan Compitello Scholarship Endowment for Study Abroad
This Scholarship is presented to students committed to a study abroad program within the Department of Spanish and Portuguese that will contribute to the completion of their degree requirements.
Thomas and Peggy Kauffman Hyde Memorial Endowment Fund for Spanish Studies
The Thomas and Peggy Kauffman Hyde Memorial Endowment Fund supports scholarships for University of Arizona students enrolled in a Spanish study abroad program who have excelled academically and have financial need. Preferred programs include those in Guadalajara, Mexico, Alcalá de Henares, or Segovia, Spain.
Elizabeth H. Gad Memorial Endowment Fund for Study Abroad
Recipients of the Elizabeth Henry Gad Memorial Endowment Fund shall be undergraduate students majoring in Spanish or Portuguese studying abroad in Spain or Portugal. The fund was created in memory of University of Arizona professor Elizabeth Henry Gad.
Sarah D. Doyle Memorial Study Abroad Scholarship
Applicants must be full-time Spanish and/or Portuguese major/minor undergraduate students with a cumulative GPA of 3.20 or greater and must participate in a UA-approved study abroad program in either Spain or Portugal. The scholarship was established in memory of Sarah Douglas Doyle (Class of 2007).
Junghans-Seligmann Award for Spanish & Portuguese Study Abroad
This award was established to support students pursing a degree in Spanish or Portuguese and participating in a Study Abroad program. Applicants must be full-time undergraduate or graduate students with a minimum 3.0 GPA in their core major and minor (if applicable), 2.0 GPA overall, with a major in Spanish or Portuguese Studies, making satisfactory progress toward their degree, and enrolled in coursework in Spanish & Portuguese Studies at the University of Arizona.
Donna Dillon Manning and Larry Horner Endowed Humanities Award for Study Abroad
Donna Manning created this scholarship to enable more College of Humanities students to experience global cultures while gaining valuable skills for their future careers. The Donna Dillon Manning and Larry Horner Endowed Humanities Award for Study Abroad provides support annually for two College of Humanities undergraduate students to study abroad.