CERCLL, a UA Title VI Language Resource Center, this week is hosting the inaugural event of its new initiative on Literatures, Languages and Cultures in the 21st Century.
COH faculty Beatrice Dupuy and Chantelle Warner will be leading the LiLaC initiative organized by CERCLL, the Center for Educational Resources in Culture, Language and Literacy. The LiLaC learning community has been created to improve practices and teaching models in foreign language, literature and culture departments across the University of Arizona. It is supported by funding from the UA College of Humanities.
On Friday, Sept. 27, LiLaC’s inaugural event is an opportunity for faculty and graduate students at UA to focus on the question of what it means to teach and study world languages, literatures, and cultures in the 21st century, and how that might continue to shape the design of programs on our campus.
The event will feature renowned speakers on innovative program development: Charlotte Melin, Professor of German University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, and Domna Stanton, Distinguished Professor of French, CUNY, and former President of the MLA.
The invited speakers will each share transdisciplinary initiatives they have lead on their home campuses. This will be followed by breakout sessions centered on specific topics related to research and best practices around how we can provide meaningful and relevant learning opportunities for students in our programs. Subsequent activity in the LiLaC initiative will allow faculty and graduate students to apply for funding to develop University of Arizona programs in relevant fields.
For more information, please email cercll@email.arizona.edu.