Did you know that the Department of Classics at The University of Arizona is an established Examination Center for the Certificate of Attainment in Modern Greek? Since 2010, the Department has administered the examination in conjuction with the University of Thessaloniki and the Centre of Greek Lanuage on behalf of the Greek Ministry of Education. Applications to take the exam are due on March 22, 2012; please contact Katerina Mavreli (mavreli@email.arizona.edu) to receive an application and to determine your examination level.
The four-hour examination tests written and oral skills in seven levels. The dates of the exams are May 14 to 16, and costs range from $80 to $115, depending upon level.
Please contact the Department of Classics for more information:
Department of Classics
Learning Services Building, Room 203
1512 E. First Street
PO Box 210105
Tucson, Arizona 85721
email: classics@email.arizona.edu
phone: (520) 621-1689