COH Congratulates Students at Pre-Commencement Ceremonies

Dec. 19, 2016

The Pre-Commencement Ceremonies for Winter 2016 graduates of the UA College of Humanities were held on the morning of Friday, December 16 in the Grand Ballroom at the University of Arizona Student Union Memorial Center.

In addition to Dean Alain-Philippe Durand opening and closing remarks, Outstanding Senior Ari Meldrum, delivered a speech.

The College of Humanities Faculty and Staff salute this talented group of graduates and wish them all the very best in their future endeavors!

Our warmest congratulations to:

UndeRgraduate Degrees

Mark Christopher Allen Mercedes Galarza Mark Anthony Perryman II
Camille Alvarez Hiriana Nathaly Gallegos Hector Puerta Jr
Adam Mengistab Andemicael Elizabeth Griego Tatum Ilima Renaud
Robert Douglas Arbuco Yarisca Haro Nicole Elizabeth Rochon
Abigail Arias Emily Pilar Jernee Jocelyn Ruiz
John Joseph Bercel Brenda Lizeth Lara Rodriguez Andrea Sanchez
Zachariah Bigbee Gwendlynn Mae Leach Dana Mcdonald Schoppers
Benjamin Emile Bonfiglio Arielle Silva Leal Ashley Anne Scott
Grisell Denise Busanez Samir Anthony Madden Jorge A Sepulveda
Brittney Anne Butterworth Ian Daniel Martella Anson Churchill Smith III
Natalie Rose Carollo Alyssa Ann Martin Caitlin Ann Smith
Andres Carrillo Glenn Emerson Maxwell Veronika Rakhminovna Sosonova
Michael Ryan Cavalier Haley Marie McShane Tara Ann Taylor
Sicilia Cazares Montano Ari Mitchel Rivera Meldrum Brooke Eileen Teufel
Asia T. Cole Suzanne Marguerite Mongelli Kristen M. Valenzuela
Max Keller Cronyn Margarita Ochoa Caroline Anne Van Bergh
Reid Emery Dempsey Barbara Padilla Vanessa A. M Vasquez
Molly Cullen Eisele Jeannie Park Chandler James Wallace
Alexia Samantha-Adagle Elizalde Pauli Amanda Patterson Shan Zehra Zaidi
Maritza Flores Campuzano Colin Francisco Pedron  
Charles Alexander Fox Evelyn Mildred Peralta  
Jocelyne Diana Gafner Michelle S Perez  

Graduate Degrees

Jingjing Huang Randy Mastin Aleksandra Borisovna Novikova
Brenda Lizeth Lara Rodriguez Merica Mcneil