College Congratulates Students at Pre-Commencement Ceremonies

Dec. 18, 2015

The Pre-Commencement Ceremonies for Fall 2015 graduates of the UA College of Humanities were held on the morning of Friday, December 18 in the Grand Ballroom at the University of Arizona Student Union Memorial Center.

In addition to Dean Mary Wildner Bassett's opening and closing remarks, Outstanding Senior Tiffany Lee and Outstanding Graduate Assistant in Teaching Aleksy Novikov delivered speeches.

The College of Humanities Faculty and Staff salute this talented group of graduates and wish them all the very best in their future endeavors!

Our warmest congratulations to:

Graduate Degrees

Rosa Analú Aguirre Christine Palumbo
Rachel Elizabeth Kraut Cecilia Orduno Siruno
Aleksey Novikov  

Undegraduate Degrees

Devina Alvado Max Lancaster, Sr.
Angelica Alvarez Tiffany R. Lee
Kayla D. Avery  Estefania Lopez
Sofia D. Battaglia-Bakir Danira E. Maldonado
Samantha Nicole Baxter Karina Marquez
Mary Begakis
David M Bolender
Ian Daniel Martella
Michael William Bryant Claire Nicole McCarthy
Victoria A. Casas Esthela Mendoza 
Alejandra Leigh Castaneda Suzanne Marguerite Mongelli
Andrea Castillo  Frances Maria Montano
Sicilia Cazares Montano Maurice Montano
Eka B. Chibasa  Estefani Lucia Munguia
Marion Patricia Cook Kiara Shay Murray
Trever Alfrord Cook  Robert Carroll Nelson
Alicia Renee Cordova Xinxiang Ni
Krysta A. Diaz Ivana Maria Osete
Vincent Dominguez, Jr.  Valeria Olivia Pena-Quijada
Katrina Elizabeth Duran Alejandra Victoria Rodriguez
Alexandra Nicole Elliott-Makedonsky Jose Francisco Romero
Bryce E. Fix Samantha A. Sandoval
Genoveva S. Gomez Monserrat Irany Sierra
Lydia L. Guerrero Alyssa J. Silva
James H. Hosobe Rose Valenzuela
Annie Huang Grace Katherine Welch-Zaricor
Jennifer B. Kittredge Derek Thomas Williams
Matthew M. Klass Kaitlin Elizabeth Wymer
Michael Anthony Kolbash-Isaacs Zachary Paul Young