
In their lifetimes, Mary Bernard Aguirre and her grandson Pedro Joab Aguirre bridged different countries, cultures, languages and peoples.  
4 years ago
After analyzing narratives of post-war homecoming, a group of student veterans will lead community discussions based on their own experiences. Returning home after military service can bring myriad challenges, not the least of which may be feelings...
Members of the K-pop Dance Club lead a dance workshop in KOR 245 classroom
4 years ago
With grant funding from the Academy of Korean Studies,
4 years ago
As languages overlap and blend in border regions, bilingual speakers demonstrate the subtle ways speaking patterns shift and adapt to linguistic influences while maintaining the grammar of both languages.  
4 years ago
With widespread praise for her innovative, thought-provoking and collaborative teaching, Joela Jacobs has been awarded the 2020 Leicester and Kathryn Sherrill Creative Teaching Award.  
Caleb Simmons
4 years ago
Caleb Simmons, an internationally recognized scholar in South Asian Studies, is receiving a University of Arizona Early Career Scholars Award.  
4 years ago
Grace Faerber, graduating with a double major in East Asian Studies and Global Studies, has been awarded the prestigious Boren Fellowship to fund her graduate study in China.  
4 years ago
The College of Humanities is proud to announce the following recipients of the Spring 2020 Awards.   Please join us in congratulating them on their outstanding achievements! Outstanding Senior Award Grace Faerber  Majors: East Asian Studies, Global...
4 years ago
The College of Humanities is proud to announce the following recipients of the Spring 2020 COH Scholarships.  Please join us in congratulating them on their outstanding achievements! Alene Kelsey Metcalf Family Scholarship Katrina Kuxhausen-DeRose...
4 years ago
Dean Alain-Philippe Durand is pleased to announce the following changes.  
4 years ago
Dean Alain-Philippe Durand is pleased to announce Dr. David Gramling will be the next Faculty Director of the Bachelor of General Studies program in the College of Humanities, effective Aug. 17, 2020.
4 years ago
Dear College of Humanities Students, Despite the ever-changing challenges posed by the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), the College of Humanities remains focused on two priorities for students: your health and your academic progress toward...
4 years ago
Congratulations to the Spring 2020 COH Graduate Student Research Grant awardees!    Spring 2020 COH Graduate Student Research Grant Awardees Michael Main Religious Studies and Classics Project: An Appalachian Translation of Seneca's "Oedipus" Damián...
4 years ago
Congratulations to the 2019-20 COH Teaching and Outreach Grant awardees!  2019-20 COH Teaching and Outreach Grant Awardees Maria Letizia Bellocchio and Giuseppe Cavatorta French and Italian Project: Italian Language in Wonderland: An Outline...
4 years ago
In an annual partnership with KXCI Community Radio, professors from the Africana Studies Program took to the airwaves to celebrate Black History Month.  Professors selected a topic and related songs to play as weekly guest DJs on the Home Stretch...
4 years ago
In keeping with its land-grant mission, the University of Arizona has always served the rural areas of the state, through agricultural research and education that directly impact those communities.