One professor in the Department of East Asian Studies has been promoted, demonstrating excellent performance in teaching, service and research.
Dr. Sunyoung Yang is promoted from Assistant Professor to tenured Associate Professor.
Yang directs the Korean Studies program in the department and is a member of a university-wide collaborative and cross-disciplinary group forging exciting research agendas in the area of Technology-Enhanced Language Learning (TELL). She received her Ph.D. from the Department of Anthropology, University of Toronto, Canada, and her B.A. and M.A. from the Department of Sociology, Yonsei University, South Korea.
As a cultural anthropologist, she has conducted in-depth research on Internet development since 1999, specializing in South Korea. Her research and teaching interests concentrate on the influence of new media and digital technologies on society with a focus on youth, labor, and gender issues in Korea and East Asia. She is currently writing a book manuscript titled Internet Freaks: Online User Communities and Cultural Politics in South Korea which examines the interwoven processes between Internet development and political-economic and socio-cultural changes in South Korea through the formation of new subjectivities of Internet users.