Recent Faculty Publications



Albrecht Classen
German Studies

Communication, Translation, and Community in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period

De Gruyter
Albert Welter
East Asian Studies

A Tale of Two Stūpas: Diverging Paths in the Revival of Buddhism in China

Oxford University Press
Reginald McGinnis
French & Italian

Mock Ritual in the Modern Era

Oxford University Press
Fabian Alfie
French & Italian

La Cazzaria, Manoscritto K: da una copia ottocentesca dell’Edizione di Napoli (ca. 1530)

Florence, Italy: Franco Cesati Editore
Eleni Hasaki
Religious Studies & Classics

Potters at Work in Ancient Corinth: Industry, Religion, and the Penteskouphia Pinakes

American School of Classical Studies at Athens
Reginald McGinnis
French & Italian

Modes of Play in Eighteenth-Century France

Bucknell University Press
Naomi Shihab Nye, David Hassler and Tyler Meier
Poetry Center

Dear Vaccine: Global Voices Speak to the Pandemic

The Kent State University Press
Max K. Strassfeld
Religious Studies & Classics

Trans Talmud: Androgynes and Eunuchs in Rabbinic Literature

University of California Press
Marie-Pierre Le Hir
French & Italian

French Immigrants and Pioneers in the Making of America

Albrecht Classen
German Studies

Wisdom from the European Middle Ages: Literary and Didactic Perspectives

Peter Lang
Dalila Ayoun
French & Italian

The Acquisition of Gender: Crosslinguistic perspectives

John Benjamins Publishing Company