College of Humanities Student Ambassadors assist the college in recruitment, events and serve as peer mentors to incoming students. Each year, the cohort includes some of the best and brightest students in the college. Dean Alain-Philippe Durand, Recruitment Coordinator Karina Rodriguez and Senior Academic Advisor Jeremiah Webb hosted the graduating Student Ambassadors and Outstanding Senior for breakfast to discuss their plans after graduation.
The College of Humanities Outstanding Senior for Fall 2019 is Frances Lee-Forbes, who is graduating with a double major in Russian and Linguistics. Lee-Forbes will move to Washington D.C. in January and has accepted an internship with Sen. Kyrsten Sinema.
Jack Kauffman is graduating with a double major in Spanish and English and will continue with preparations for the LSAT exam and submit law school applications for fall 2020.
Josie Quinn is graduating with a major in Finance and a minor in French and plans to work as either an executive assistant or a trader at a financial firm.
Sujin Seo is graduating with a double major in Classics and Biochemistry, with minors in Religious Studies and Chemistry. She plans to work for a few years and then go back to school for a career in healthcare.