
Silos are out. Integration is in. And the humanities are here to stay. 
5 years ago
Congratulations to the Spring 2019 COH Faculty and Student award recipients!    Spring 2019 COH Faculty and Student Awardees Outstanding Senior Award Chelsea Forer Religious Studies and Anthropology Outstanding Graduate Assistant in Teaching Award...
5 years ago
Students in two popular College of Humanities courses invite the campus to explore myths and what it means to be human.
5 years ago
Three Religious Studies majors presented papers at the American Academy of Religion/Western Region annual conference. This was just the second year that undergraduate papers have been accepted and the University of Arizona is the only university to...
5 years ago
Congratulations to the Spring 2019 COH Graduate Student Research Grant awardees!    Spring 2019 COH Graduate Students Research Grant Awardees Marina Cárcamo García Spanish and Portuguese Project: Portuguese Language Acquisition in the Venezuelan...
5 years ago
The University of Arizona ranks among the top 10 universities in the nation for producing graduates with foreign language degrees.
5 years ago
College of Humanities double major Rob Lisak is featured as the UA Honors College student of the week.  Lisak majors in Religious Studies and East Asian Studies and talked with the Honors College about his experiences studying abroad in Hangzhou.  
5 years ago
A $50,000 commitment from Dr. Ross Schwartzberg will establish a new scholarship for UA students majoring in Religious Studies for Health Professionals, as well as an annual lecture series focusing on health and religion. Dr. Schwartzberg, who...
5 years ago
The National Center for Interpretation and the Graduate College are pleased to announce the competition for the 2019-20 NCI Graduate Fellowships. Awards: Two cash awards, each consisting of $6,250, and three .50 Graduate Tuition Scholarships for a...
5 years ago
It’s easy to see how Dante Lauretta’s undergraduate degrees in physics and theoretical math are foundational in his career as a planetary scientist. But Lauretta gives just as much credit to his third major, Japanese, describing his study of...
Mely Bohlman
5 years ago
Congratulations to the College of Humanities’ Outstanding Senior for Winter 2018, Mely Bohlman!
5 years ago
Our faculty and staff salute this talented group of graduates and wish them all the very best in their future endeavors!
5 years ago
Congratulations to the Fall 2018 COH Graduate Student Research Grant awardees!    Fall 2018 COH Graduate Students Research Grant Awardees Margherita Berti Second Language Acquisition and Teaching Project: Cultural learning through the lens of...
5 years ago
The UA Center for Digital Humanities is helping faculty and students embark on wide-ranging research projects applying cutting-edge technology. 
5 years ago
The UA College of Humanities is establishing a scholarship in honor of 2018 Alumnus of the Year M. André Goodfriend, to support students in the new Applied Humanities major.
5 years ago
The inaugural Young Professional Achievement Award will be presented to Autumn DiGaetano-Fedoruk, who credits her double major in Spanish and economics for opening doors to professional opportunities that she is still leveraging today.