The UA’s National Center for Interpretation is awarding grants and tuition funding to five graduate students in the College of Humanities.
The Graduate Fellowships support individual students conducting research on translation and interpretation. The funding is provided by the Graduate College.
“NCI is charged with promoting intercultural communication and social justice for language minorities through cutting-edge research, training, and testing for interpreters and translators while advancing professionalism,” says NCI Director Sonia Colina. “These projects contribute to this mission by expanding language access to LEP proficient audiences through translation/interpretation and through education in these fields.”
The 2018 NCI Graduate Fellows are:
- Julio F.C. Ciller, Spanish and Portuguese: “Language Proficiency in Translation Programs.”
- Amanda Snell, German Studies and Second Language Acquisition and Teaching: “Access, Ethics, and Play in Translation and Interpretation: A Professional Development Series for 3rd-5th graders.”
- Patrick Ploschnitzk, German Studies: “Better (Trans)late than Never: Re-Introducing Translation into the Foreign Language Classroom.”
- Feng Chen, East Asian Studies: “Translating Gaming Matters: Art, Science, Magic, and the Computer Game Medium into Chinese.”
- Huiqiao Yao, East Asian Studies: “Translating The Three Sui Quash the Demon’s Revolt and Appropriating the History of Chinese Literature.”