The College of Humanities is hosting a spring workshop series in online course design, open to any interested COH faculty members and graduate assistants.
The sessions will be led by Carmen King de Ramírez, Assistant Professor of Spanish, Online Education Coordinator and QM Certified Course Reviewer. The sessions will take place from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. in Modern Languages 345C.
Feb. 16, 2018
Getting Started: Online Course Navigation*
Perhaps the most important component of online course design is the Start Here module which teaches students to navigate their virtual learning platform. This workshop will offer an overview of navigation tools that all online courses should provide for new and continuing students. The content of this workshop addresses Quality Matters (QM) Standard 1.
March 16, 2018
Learning Objectives & Course Alignment*
The lack of measurable learning objectives and alignment between those objectives and course activities is a common issue identified by online course reviewers. This workshop will review how to write measurable learning objectives and create activities that help students obtain those objectives. The content of this workshop addresses Quality Matters (QM) Standard 2.
April 13, 2018
Online Student Assessment*
Learning Management Systems (LMS), such as D2L, provide several tools that streamline online student assessment. This workshop will explore D2L assessment tools including online rubrics and oral/video feedback options for virtual assignments. The content of this workshop addresses Quality Matters (QM) Standard 3.
*Participants should bring a laptop and headset to the workshop
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For more information CONTACT: Carmen King de Ramírez at carmenking@email.arizona.edu.