
April 6, 2023

Professor Jiang Wu Awarded Guggenheim Fellowship

University of Arizona Department of East Asian Studies Professor and Center for Buddhist Studies Director Jiang Wu is one of 171 scientists, writers, scholars and artists awarded a 2023 Guggenheim Fellowship.

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Dec. 14, 2020
Two College of Humanities seniors have swept the university's 2020 Centennial Achievement Undergraduate Awards.  Derek Foehrkolb, graduating in December with degrees in Russian and Slavic Studies and public management and policy, and…
Dec. 7, 2020
A new wide-ranging grant in Japanese Studies will fund faculty, graduate and undergraduate scholarships, research materials and more, a significant step toward the goal of being one of the country’s top programs.   The grant, about $250,000…
Nov. 19, 2020
Dr. Vijay Patel, a 2008 graduate in Religious Studies now working as Director of Dental Services at Marana Health Center, is the College of Humanities 2020 Young Professional Achievement Award recipient.   Patel graduated with honors from…
Nov. 18, 2020
Donna Swaim, a revered teacher and mentor whose 50-year University of Arizona career stretched broadly across campus, from humanities to medicine to athletics, and included trips to dozens of countries for student study abroad, has passed away. She…
Nov. 16, 2020
The long-running medieval symposium series will move to a virtual format this year, as international scholars explore the topics of liberty, imprisonment and slavery.   Organized by Professor Albrecht Classen, of the Department of German…
Nov. 9, 2020
By Nick Prevenas, University Communications  The University of Arizona ranks 10th among U.S. public universities in arts and humanities, according to the latest subject rankings from Times Higher Education. The University earned…
Nov. 9, 2020
Dear College of Humanities Students, Staff, and Faculty,   As we have been exploring for the last month in the Tucson Humanities Festival, justice, equality, and freedom are among the most important ideals we hold in the College of…
Oct. 13, 2020
Experts from the Department of East Asian Studies will hold a series of virtual talks this fall centered on tensions between the United States and China and ongoing discrimination against Asian Americans within the U.S.   “Pandemic Blues…
Oct. 9, 2020
The University of Arizona Center for Buddhist Studies will have its new physical home in the Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine, a landmark facility that will be dedicated to health and wellness.   The partnership is rooted in the…
Sept. 30, 2020
For 2020, the Tucson Humanities Festival will highlight contemporary and historic efforts at fighting racism, erasing prejudice and uplifting the marginalized.   In selecting the theme of “Toward Justice,” for its 11th annual series, the…
Sept. 18, 2020
The University of Arizona College of Humanities has launched a monthly series to connect alumni with current students in a virtual conversation about how a humanities education translates into career-ready skills.   Alumni Insights brings…
Sept. 17, 2020
The Critical Languages Program is expanding into community classes, creating a non-credit opportunity to study less commonly taught languages.   The first course offered will be Cantonese, with a 10-hour, five-week course focusing on the…