One professor in the Department of German Studies has been promoted, demonstrating excellent performance in teaching, service and research.
Dr. Chantelle Warner is promoted from tenured Associate Professor to tenured Professor of Professor of German and Second Language Acquisition and Teaching. Warner is also co-director of the Center for Educational Resources in Culture, Language and Literacy (CERCLL), a Title VI National Language Resource Center supported through the U.S. Department of Education.
Dr. Warner's research crosses the fields of applied linguistics, stylistics/poetics, and literary studies. Together with Niko Euba, she is author of the textbook Lesewerkstatt DaF: Literatur Lesen Lernen (Klett Verlag) for advanced German learners. She is particularly interested in how individuals engage in creative, playful, and subversive language use as they negotiate complex social and symbolic worlds. This has informed her research in a variety of areas related to applied linguistics and language/intercultural education.
Her current books project, tentatively titled Multiliteracy Play: Designs and Desires in the Language Classroom, builds on current discussions of multiliteracies approaches to language/culture teaching and case studies from university-level language classes, to argue for a framework that recognize both designs, the conventionalized ways of making meaning in a language/culture, and desires, the affects and emotions that feed literacy experiences, by centering poetics and play in learning experiences.
Since 2014, she has also served as the Language Program Director for German Studies, and in this role she enjoys getting to support both the undergraduate students and our Graduate Assistant Teachers in the first two years of language and culture study.