Congratulations to this year's COH Faculty Research Grant awardees!
2017-18 COH Faculty Research Grant Awardees
Professor Albrecht Classen
German Studies
Project: Academic Textbook on the History of Tolerance
Professor Malcolm Compitello
Spanish and Portuguese
Project: From Graphic Art and Back Again: Emilio Gil and Javier de Juan at the Intersections of Urban Transformations and the Arts in Post-Franco Spain
Assistant Professor Rae Erin Dachille
Religious Studies & Classics
Project: Searching for the Body: Translating Buddhist Notions of Embodiment in the Postmodern Age
Assistant Professor Emily Hellmich
French & Italian
Project: Digital Technology in K-12 Language Learning: Parental Perceptions
Associate Professor Eleni Hasaki
Religious Studies & Classics
Project: Web Atlas of Ceramic Kilns in Ancient Greece
Assistant Professor Liudmila Klimanova
Russian & Slavic Studies
Project: Digital Storytelling as a Tool for Increasing Intercultural Competence and Civic Awareness in Short-Term Study Abroad
Assistant Professor Kaitlin Murphy
Spanish and Portuguese
Project: The Politics of Tangible Memory: Investigating Legacies of Violence and Atrocity Prevention in Memory Sites in Latin America, The US and Europe