Congratulations to this year's COH Teaching and Outreach Grant awardees!
2017-18 COH Teaching and Outreach Grant Awardees
Professor Dalila Ayoun
French & Italian
Project: Arizona Graduate Student Conference in French
Professor Katia Bezerra
Spanish and Portuguese
Project: Art and Resistance: Issue of Race, Gender and Social Justice in Contemporary Brazil
Professor Albrecht Classen
German Studies
Project: From the Center to the Periphery: Outreach to German Programs in outlying Arizona High Schools
Professor Peter Ecke
German Studies
Project: Redesign of the Arizona Summer Study in Leipzig, Germany Program
Assistant Professor Benjamin Jens
Russian & Slavic Studies
Project: The Power of the Powerless: A 1968 Retrospective
Assistant Professor Aurelia Mouzet
French & Italian
Project: Talk-it-OUT! Interactive Theatre Workshop Program