Poster art produced following the Cuban Revolution offers a window into the island nation’s history and a truly revolutionary chapter in graphic design. With a unique graphic wit and exuberant colorful style, these posters rallied the Cuban people to the task of building a new society. They helped organize massive sugar harvests and national literacy campaigns, promoted solidarity with global liberation struggles, and celebrated Cuba’s cultural scene. Lincoln Cushing, author of Revolución!: Cuban Poster Art (2003) will guide us through the works’ rich social and artistic history. Join us for a reception immediately following the presentation. Participating in Humanities Week, this lecture is presented by Lincoln Cushing with Anne-Garland Mahler of the Department of Spanish & Portuguese and co-sponsored by the Center for Latin American Studies and the African Studies Program.
6:30-8:30 p.m.
Global Revolution From Harlem to Havana
After the reception ride the streetcar downtown to hear more from Anne-Garland Mahler as part of the UA Confluence Center’s SHOW & TELL @Playground.
All Humanities Week events are free and open to the public and most are held in the Dorothy Rubel Room at the University of Arizona Poetry Center, 1508 E. Helen Street, unless otherwise noted. For more detailed descriptions of the lectures, please visit or call (520) 621-0210. The College of Humanities is home to programs devoted to the study of the world’s languages, literatures, and cultures. The college consists of 13 individual units as well as several other academic and overseas-study programs.