Gallery Talk: Crane Giamo

7 – 8 p.m., March 7, 2016

This talk and reception is co-sponsored by Paperworks: The Sonoran Collective for Paper and Book Artists.

Meet the Artist: Come lift a glass and meet artist Crane Giamo, who will discuss his works currently on exhibit at the Poetry Center. An open reception will follow the talk, which takes place in the Poetry Center’s Jeremy Ingalls Gallery. Refreshments will be served.

Crane Giamo is the co-founder of Delete Press, a poetry chapbook publishing outfit for which he is the letterpress printer, bookbinder, and papermaker. He is also the co-founder of By Voices, an ongoing collaborative experiment with Christopher Davenport where the process of building books is conceived as an instrument of social practice through printmaking, papermaking, bookbinding, photography, and film. Crane's own artist books can be located under the imprint Pocalypstic Editions. He is currently the studio manager and faculty instructor in the Book Arts Program at the University of Utah, and the lead printer for Red Butte Press.