Graduate Student Development Institute

Covering topics related to professionalization, research development, project management, community engagement, and more, the College of Humanities Graduate Student Development Institute is a series of workshops aimed at helping COH graduate students develop essential skills that often—due to time limitations—can’t be covered in graduate courses.

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Please sign up using the link below.
Drop-ins are welcome, but your RSVP is much appreciated.

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Spring 2024 Workshops

Finding Jobs Outside the Academy

This 90-minute session will outline a general process to follow if you are considering a career outside the academy, as well as important tips about pragmatic topics such as how to find appropriate jobs for your degree, preparing cover letters and resumés, and navigating US visa issues and job interviews.

Friday, March 15, 2024
12:00 - 1:30
Modern Languages 345c or Zoom

  • Frank Whitehead | Graduate Services Coordinator, SILLC
  • Chantelle Warner | Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, College of Humanities
  • Ken McAllister | Associate Dean of Research and Program Innovation, College of Humanities

Introduction to the Academic Job Market

This general overall of the academic job search will help you learn about the essential components of your search dossier, offer tips and tricks to help you keep your search on track and as minimally stressful as possible, and suggest ways to help you perform at your best during first-round and campus interviews.

Friday, April 5, 2024
12:00 - 1:30
Modern Languages 345c or Zoom

  • Chantelle Warner | Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, College of Humanities
  • Ken McAllister | Associate Dean of Research and Program Innovation, College of Humanities

Professional Networking for Joy and Profit (without feeling slimy, and even if you're an introvert)

The stereotype of the glad-handing self-promoter has done a great disservice to the important role of networking in the academy. Join us for an illuminating discussion about why networking is a fundamental skill for graduate students, academics, and professionals in the humanities, as well as a practical mini-workshop on how to improve your networking game.

Friday, April 12, 2024
12:00 - 1:30
Modern Languages 345c or Zoom

  • Nadia W-Charles | Assistant Professor, Africana Studies
  • Judd Ruggill | Department Head, Public and Applied Humanities
  • Chantelle Warner | Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, College of Humanities
  • Ken McAllister | Associate Dean of Research and Program Innovation, College of Humanities