Faculty Publications

Communication, Translation, and Community in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period, De Gruyter
Albrecht Classen, German Studies
Albrecht Classen, German Studies

A Tale of Two Stūpas: Diverging Paths in the Revival of Buddhism in China, Oxford University Press
Albert Welter, East Asian Studies
Albert Welter, East Asian Studies

A Starter Kit for Rethinking Trans Representation and Inclusion in French L2 Classrooms in A Starter Kit for Rethinking Trans Representation and Inclusion in French L2 Classrooms. In E.N. Meyer & E. Hoft-March (Eds.) Teaching Diversity and Inclusion: Examples from a French-Speaking Classroom. Routledge. 22-33.
Kris Knisely, French & Italian
Kris Knisely, French & Italian

Teaching trans knowledges: Situating expansive possibilities in an intermediate French course in Teaching trans knowledges: Situating expansive possibilities in an intermediate French course. In S. Bouamer & L. Bourdeau (Eds.) Diversity and Decolonization in French Studies: New Approaches to Teaching. Palgrave Macmillan. 165-180.
Kris Knisely, French & Italian
Kris Knisely, French & Italian

Gender-just language teaching and linguistic competence development in Gender-just language teaching and linguistic competence development. Foreign Language Annals. 55(3), 644-667
Kris Knisely, French & Italian
Kris Knisely, French & Italian

Gender-justice and the development of intersectional thinking: evidence from an intermediate French course in Gender-justice and the development of intersectional thinking: Evidence from an intermediate French course. CFC Intersections. 1(1), 147-160.
Kris Knisely, French & Italian
Kris Knisely, French & Italian

CFC Intersections in CFC Intersections. Special Inaugural Issue of CFC Intersections 1.1 (2022). 160 pp. "Introducing CFC Intersections.” CFC Intersections 1.1 (2022), pp 1-12. Co-authors, Denis M. Provencher and Siham Bouamer.
Denis M. Provencher , French & Italian
Denis M. Provencher , French & Italian


La Cazzaria, Manoscritto K: da una copia ottocentesca dell’Edizione di Napoli (ca. 1530), Florence, Italy: Franco Cesati Editore
Fabian Alfie, French & Italian
Fabian Alfie, French & Italian

“Hip-Hop Ecologies.” Co-edited with Timo Müller. Ecozon@ European Journal of Literature, Culture, and Environment 14.1 (2022): 105 pages. in “Hip-Hop Ecologies.” Co-edited with Timo Müller. Ecozon@ European Journal of Literature, Culture, and Environment 14.1 (2022): 105 pages.
Alain-Philippe Durand, French & Italian
Alain-Philippe Durand, French & Italian

Potters at Work in Ancient Corinth: Industry, Religion, and the Penteskouphia Pinakes, American School of Classical Studies at Athens
Eleni Hasaki, Religious Studies & Classics
Eleni Hasaki, Religious Studies & Classics

Grandeur et décadence des Moïse(s) noir(s): enjeux des réécritures du mythe biblique dans La pièce d’or de Ken Bugul et Petit Piment d’Alain Mabanckou in Relire-Réécrire. Mythes et textes sacrés dans le monde arabe et en Afrique (Traduction, interprétation, altération)
Aurélia Mouzet, French & Italian
Aurélia Mouzet, French & Italian

Indeterminacy in L1 French grammars: the case of gender and number agreement in Journal of French Language Studies
Dalila Ayoun, French & Italian
Dalila Ayoun, French & Italian

Modes of Play in Eighteenth-Century France, Bucknell University Press
Reginald McGinnis, French & Italian
Reginald McGinnis, French & Italian

Dear Vaccine: Global Voices Speak to the Pandemic, The Kent State University Press
Naomi Shihab Nye, David Hassler and Tyler Meier, Poetry Center
Naomi Shihab Nye, David Hassler and Tyler Meier, Poetry Center

Trans Talmud: Androgynes and Eunuchs in Rabbinic Literature, University of California Press
Max K. Strassfeld, Religious Studies & Classics
Max K. Strassfeld, Religious Studies & Classics

French Immigrants and Pioneers in the Making of America, McFarland
Marie-Pierre Le Hir, French & Italian
Marie-Pierre Le Hir, French & Italian

Wisdom from the European Middle Ages: Literary and Didactic Perspectives, Peter Lang
Albrecht Classen, German Studies
Albrecht Classen, German Studies

The Acquisition of Gender: Crosslinguistic perspectives, John Benjamins Publishing Company
Dalila Ayoun , French & Italian
Dalila Ayoun , French & Italian


Freedom, Imprisonment, and Slavery in the Pre-Modern World, De Gruyter
Albrecht Classen, German Studies
Albrecht Classen, German Studies

L/G/B and T: Queer Excisions, Entailments, and Intersections in L/G/B and T: Queer Excisions, Entailments, and Intersections. In J. M. Paiz & J. E. Coda (Eds.) Intersectional Perspectives on LGBTQ+ Issues in Modern Language Teaching and Learning. Palgrave Macmillan. 153-182
Kris Knisely, French & Italian
Kris Knisely, French & Italian

Bringing Trans, Non-binary, and Queer Understandings to Bear in Language Education in Bringing Trans, Non-binary, and Queer Understandings to Bear in Language Education. Critical Multilingualism Studies. 9(1), 23-45.
Kris Knisely, French & Italian
Kris Knisely, French & Italian

“L’Ecrivain-traceur.” L’Homme-trace, tome V. Eds. Béatrice Galinon-Mélénec, Sylvie Leleu-Merviel and Hafida Boulekbache-Mazouz. Paris: CNRS Editions, 2021. 251-63. in “L’Ecrivain-traceur.” L’Homme-trace, tome V. Eds. Béatrice Galinon-Mélénec, Sylvie Leleu-Merviel and Hafida Boulekbache-Mazouz. Paris: CNRS Editions, 2021. 251-63.
Alain-Philippe Durand, French & Italian
Alain-Philippe Durand, French & Italian

Incarceration and Slavery in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age: A Cultural-Historical Investigation of the Dark Side in the Pre-Modern World, Rowman & Littlefield
Albrecht Classen, German Studies
Albrecht Classen, German Studies


Tracing the Trails in the Medieval World: Epistemological Explorations, Orientation, and Mapping in Medieval Literature, Routledge
Albrecht Classen, German Studies
Albrecht Classen, German Studies


Integrating Judaism and Jewish Studies into the Atlantic World History Curriculum in Religious Studies Review
Deborah Kaye, French & Italian
Deborah Kaye, French & Italian

Abdellah Taïa’s Queer Migrations: Non-places, Affect, and Temporalities, Lexington Books
Denis Provencher, French & Italian
Denis Provencher, French & Italian

Transdisciplinarity—A Bold Way into the Academic Future, from a European Medievalist Perspective and or the Rediscovery of Philology? in Transdisciplinarity in the Humanities
Albrecht Classen, German Studies
Albrecht Classen, German Studies

Online World Language Instruction Training and Assessment, Georgetown University Press
Carmen King Ramírez, Spanish & Portuguese
Carmen King Ramírez, Spanish & Portuguese

Love for Sale: Representing Prostitution in Imperial Russia, Northern Illinois University Press
Colleen Lucey, Russian & Slavic Studies
Colleen Lucey, Russian & Slavic Studies

The Reed Smoot Hearings: The Investigation of a Mormon Senator and the Transformation of an American Religion, Utah State University Press
Konden Smith Hansen, Religious Studies & Classics
Konden Smith Hansen, Religious Studies & Classics

Pragmatic Approaches in The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Corpora
Julieta Fernández & Shelley Staples, Spanish & Portuguese
Julieta Fernández & Shelley Staples, Spanish & Portuguese

Overview of Available Learner Corpora in The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Corpora
Julieta Fernández & Tracy S. Davis, Spanish & Portuguese
Julieta Fernández & Tracy S. Davis, Spanish & Portuguese

Le français non-binaire: linguistic forms used by non-binary speakers of French in Foreign Language Annals
Kris Knisely, French & Italian
Kris Knisely, French & Italian

Teaching Moral Sex: A History of Religion and Sex Education in the United States, Oxford University Press
Kristy Slominski, Religious Studies & Classics
Kristy Slominski, Religious Studies & Classics

Performing Authenticity: Li Zhi, Buddhism, and the Rise of Textual Spirituality in The Objectionable Li Zhi: Fiction, Criticism, and Dissent in Late Ming China
Jiang Wu, East Asian Studies
Jiang Wu, East Asian Studies

Charlemagne in Medieval German and Dutch Literature, Boydell & Brewer
Albrecht Classen, German Studies
Albrecht Classen, German Studies

Reconstructing Scales of Production in the Ancient Greek World: Producers, Processes, Products, People, Propylaeum eBooks
Eleni Hasaki, Religious Studies & Classics
Eleni Hasaki, Religious Studies & Classics

Equal access to the United States legal system for multilingual users of English in TESOL Journal
Julieta Fernández & Noah Gabrielsen, Spanish & Portuguese
Julieta Fernández & Noah Gabrielsen, Spanish & Portuguese

Mobile application use in technology-enhanced DCTs in The Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium (CALICO) Journal
Julieta Fernández, Catherine Rockey & Jessica Tiegs, Spanish & Portuguese
Julieta Fernández, Catherine Rockey & Jessica Tiegs, Spanish & Portuguese

Subverting the culturally unreadable: Understanding the self-positioning of non-binary speakers of French in The French Review
Kris Knisely, French & Italian
Kris Knisely, French & Italian

Italian Grammatical Gender: A Corpus Study from a Second Language Acquisition Perspective in Italica: Journal of the American Association of Teachers of Italian
Dalila Ayoun and Stefano Maranzana, French & Italian
Dalila Ayoun and Stefano Maranzana, French & Italian

The Fables of Ulrich Bonerius (ca. 1350): Masterwork of Late Medieval Didactic Literature, Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Albrecht Classen, German Studies
Albrecht Classen, German Studies

A Marginal Majority: Women, Gender, and a Reimagining of Southern Baptists, University of Tennessee Press
Karen Seat, Religious Studies & Classics
Karen Seat, Religious Studies & Classics



Trans/filiations épistémologiques: Ecrire la famille, la révolution et un nouveau Maroc dans ‘Lettre à ma famille’ et ‘Le chaouche’ in Abdellah Taïa. Poétique et politique du désir engagé/Abdellah Taïa. Poetics and Politics of Engaged Desire
Denis Provencher, French & Italian
Denis Provencher, French & Italian