Curriculum Review Process

With the support of the Associate Dean, the College of Humanities Curriculum Review Committee (COH CRC) oversees curriculum proposals in compliance with the university's policies and procedures. The COH CRC reviews proposals for new courses, new programs, and program modifications. 

Proposals for new courses:

When submitting a new course at the college level, department heads should submit the following documents:

  1. COH Request for New Course Form signed by the department head.
  2. A course syllabus:

Instructors who would like to submit proposals under the new General Education model must first complete a Quick Start Course. Once the course is completed, instructors will have access to the new General Education Course Proposal Form via the Quick Start D2L site. The GE Course Proposal Form must be submitted with the COH Request for New Course Form and a syllabus to be considered by the COH CRC. Please contact Chantelle Warner,  Associate Dean for Academic Affairs (, for guidance regarding General Education courses. 

New course proposals should be submitted to Robin Staples ( 

Proposals are due by the 1st of each month from August to May during the academic year. Courses will be reviewed at monthly committee meetings during the Fall and Spring semesters. To help meet university deadlines, courses being proposed for a first offering the following Winter and Spring should be submitted to COH by May 1st. Courses being proposed for a first offering the following Summer and Fall should be submitted to COH by December 1st. 

Proposals for modified courses: 

Courses with minor changes, exclusive of general education courses,  are not reviewed by the COH Curriculum Review Committee. Changes can be requested via the department head and adjustments can be made by the department's administrative coordinator who assists with curriculum management. The coordinator will communicate what is needed to make the changes in the UAccess system (e.g., a new syllabus, modification details).

For course modifications that include a refresh in order to align with the General Education curriculum, proposals should first be reviewed by the COH CRC to ensure timely movement through the next levels of the approval process.  Please submit a revised syllabus and the GE Course Proposal Form by the 1st of each month as you would for a new course proposal.  

If your proposed course changes are more substantive or if you are unsure as to what would require a re-review by the college and university, please contact Chantelle Warner,  Associate Dean for Academic Affairs (, for guidance.

Proposals for new and modified academic programs (majors, minors, certificates): 

Please contact Chantelle Warner,  Associate Dean for Academic Affairs (, for guidance regarding this process.

For more information on the university’s curricular process, please visit: