The University of Arizona Handbook for Appointed Personnel (UHAP) sets forth official policies regarding the appointment, evaluation, and promotion of faculty who are not eligible for tenure at the University of Arizona. Related policies include:
- UHAP 3.1.02: Appointments of Career-Track, Visiting, and Adjunct Faculty
- UHAP 3.2: Annual Performance Reviews of Faculty
- UHAP 3.3.03: Promotion Reviews of Career-Track Faculty
UHAP policies served as a reference for the Dean's Advisory Committee (DAC) in the development of the College of Humanities' Guidelines for Career-Track faculty. Please refer to these college-specific guidelines related to the appointment, evaluation, and promotion of Career-Track faculty (i.e. Professors of Practice and Lecturers) within COH:
For faculty whose career-track appointment at current rank began BEFORE April 2020, please refer to these documents:
- Guidelines and Criteria for Career-Track Assistant Professors, Associate Professors, and Professors | One-page version is here.
- Guidelines and Criteria for Career-Track Lecturers, Senior Lecturers and Principal Lecturers
For faculty whose career-track appointment at current rank began AFTER April 2020, please refer to these documents:
- Guidelines and Criteria for Career-Track Assistant Professors, Associate Professors, and Professors | One-page version is here.
- Guidelines and Criteria for Career-Track Lecturers, Senior Lecturers and Principal Lecturers
Promotion Deadlines and Dossier Preparation References
- COH Career-Track Promotions Timetable and Deadlines
- COH CT Dossier Preparation Instructions/Checklist
Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs Resources and Workshops
Each spring semester, the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs publishes guidelines and templates to use in preparing promotion dossiers. It is the responsibility of departments and candidates to ensure that the dossier is prepared according to the guidelines. The Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs also holds workshops each spring designed to provide information about the promotion process. The workshops explain the university’s review procedures and offer guidance on the promotion dossier. All candidates for promotion, chairs of committees, heads and directors are encouraged to attend the workshops in order to become familiar with dossier preparation requirements.
College of Humanities Career-Track Promotions Workshop Information:
Spring 2025 COH Workshop Schedule
Spring 2024 Workshops
- COH Career-Track Promotions Workshop Slides - April 19, 2024
- COH Career-Track Promotions Recording - April 19, 2024
COH Workshop on Teaching Portfolios
Topics covered: Teaching Portfolios