Humanities Convocation is a celebration just for you, our College of Humanities graduates! It is a lively and intimate ceremony that will give your family and friends an opportunity to hear your name called and cheer on your achievement as you cross the stage, greet Dorrance Dean A-P Durand and collect a special Humanities medallion. RSVP and slide submissions open in October! Watch your email and check this page for continuing updates.
(All Fall/Winter graduate and undergraduate candidates: BA, BS, BGS, BIS, MA & PHD)
Friday, December 15, 2023
9:00 AM
Student Union Memorial Center Grand Ballroom
Attire: Cap and Gown required for all undergraduates; cap, gown and hood required for MA/PhD candidates
Doors open at 8:00 AM, pre-show starts at 8:30 AM and the ceremony begins promptly at 9:00 AM.
Live Stream will be available.
Note, RSVPs are required to attend. If you plan to attend virtually, you MUST RSVP to have your name announced during the live stream ceremony. Visit this page for helpful FAQs and other ceremony guidelines. If you are graduating this fall or winter, and have not yet done so, you will need to apply for graduation in UAccess right away. Please visit Graduation Services for instructions on how to apply and other important information. If you have further questions about the ceremonies, please contact
The Spring 2023 College of Humanities graduate and undergraduate ceremonies and celebratory slide shows can be viewed here.